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  • Ozone Hole affects southern hemisphere summer weather – it’s not just a case of too much UV and sunburn
Friday, 23 September 2016 17:31

Ozone Hole affects southern hemisphere summer weather – it’s not just a case of too much UV and sunburn

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My latest paper on the climate effects of the Ozone hole has just been published in the science journal Global Change Biology.


Many people think of sunburn and associated health risks when they hear about the ozone hole. However, ozone related changes to Southern Hemisphere climate are likely to have had as much or more impact on natural ecosystems and food production over the past few decades, as the increased ultraviolet (UV) radiation.


You can read all about it in my research pages, with links to the original article in GCB, a republished version of an overview article on "The Conversation" website and a  video overview of the paper.


Article and Links on my website

Article on The Conversation Website

The paper in Global Change Biology.

Video presentation   (Flash or HTML5)


Read 5852 times Last modified on Friday, 23 September 2016 17:31
Andrew Netherwood

Website designer and administrator. andrew@ndesign.net.au